Sunday Mornings
at The Plaza Centre
@ 10:30am until about noon
We value highly the whole church coming together regularly to worship, hear what God is saying to us, be in His presence and to respond to Him. We believe that the heart of worship is a whole-hearted devotion to God, born out of love for Him and His ways and reflected in all of life.
As a congregation we come together to celebrate the Father’s love; Jesus’ victory over wrong-doing, sickness, death and the power of evil; and the out-pouring of His life through the Holy Spirit. We seek to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our time together, creative in our responsiveness to God’s love and presence, and informal in style.
If you are unable to be with us at The Plaza Centre, you can join us LIVE on YouTube.
The following groups run from about 11.10am for children of all ages. Please ensure you fill in a registration form when you drop them off. There are also creche facilities in the Queen Elizabeth II suite lounge.
Sometimes mini praizers and Precious Gems are in a combined group.
Coffee in the Café
9.30am - 10.20am
Enjoy a hot drink and a chat with friends
Espresso: £1.80 // Americano: £1.90 // Cappuccino £2.00 // Latte: £2.20
Pre-Celebration Prayer
9.30am - 10.15am
We meet in the Roberts Room for powerful & fervent prayer. Everyone is welcome.
Teas & Coffees
Free teas & coffees are served after each service. If you’re new we would love to give you a proper welcome!
getting here
Parking: There is plenty of free parking around the venue on Sunday mornings.
Train: We are a 2 minutes walk from Southend East station.
Bus: The no. 1, 4a, 14 and 28 arrives at the ‘Southchurch Surbiton Avenue’ bus stop outside/opposite The Plaza Centre.
To plan your journey by car or train click here
To plan your journey by bus click here