Open Plaza 2021
Click on event below for more information and to book your place
What is Open Plaza?
Open Plaza encompasses all our community-focussed events that are designed to express love to our local, and wider, community, from our summer outreach extravaganza to our Christmas celebration. They are free, designed to bless, bring fun, laughter and to help the people of Southchurch and beyond feel loved.
Launching in 2011, our main OP summer event takes place on a bi-annual basis and has incorporated a whole week packed full of free activities. The Plaza Centre (home of Southend Christian Fellowship) hosted a range of events throughout the summer of 2021 as well as setup events out and about in the local community and for the first time will continue to host regular events outside of the bi-annual period.
What is happening next?
Open Plaza events allow us not only to build a better relationship with those in our local community, but also to initiate and strengthen the connections of those taking part.