when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me… to the ends of the earth.
— Acts 1:8

What is PowerZone?

The PowerZone team is a large team of volunteers who are members of the Church, led by the Children and Youth Stream. All of the aspects of PowerZone are covered by our Safeguarding Policy, and all PowerZone leaders have been DBS checked. We are here to serve the children, parents and carers, and we consider it a privilege to do so.

THE Team

The PowerZone team is a large team of volunteers who are members of the Church, led by the Children and Youth Stream. All of the aspects of PowerZone are covered by our Safeguarding Policy, and all PowerZone leaders have been DBS checked. We are here to serve the children, parents and carers, and we consider it a privilege to do so.


From 10:50am we provide sessions for children who are aged 2 to 11 (Year 6). For babies and infants under this age, we also have a crèche facility in the café area. At present, this is only staffed by one volunteer and so we kindly ask that you are prepared to stay with your baby or child. We look to encourage a warm welcoming environment for parents, carers and children alike. Breastfeeding is welcomed and if facilities are required for heating bottles etc. this can also be organised.

We ask all parents/carers to register their child on ChurchSuite. This is for our information only and is covered by our GDPR policy. 


Holiday Club

This year’s Holiday Club is coming soon

Booking is now open. For children starting school in September up to those leaving Year 6.

To book in please CLICK HERE.

There will be lots of familiar faces, plenty of fun, games, Bible stories, craft and, of course, the return of the Watt Family!


We also run many sessions and events for our young people: